Make a claim

For fast and efficient claims service supported with rock solid claims advice, we sort your claim with ease. Save yourself the hassles and lodge your claim today.

strata insurance
claim lodgement form

Claims Form
Time :

Maximum file size: 516MB

Maximum file size: 516MB

emergency make safe

During business hours, we recommend contacting us if you have a claim that requires an emergency make safe, so we can advise on the best course of action.

Outside of business hours, for claims involving 1 lot only, the lot owner is responsible for maintaining their lot and the lot owner should appoint a make safe contractor and we recommend contacting the insurers 24/7 afterhours contacts below.

Outside of business hours for claims involving multiple lots, it can sometimes be more appropriate for a lot owner, onsite manager or representative of the body corporate/owners corporation to engage a make safe contractor for the entire makes safe job (rather than each owner contacting a make safe contractor).  Make safe claims can often include a component of damage to property insured by strata (building) and damage to property not insured by strata (contents - including carpet and other temporary flooring).  To avoid dispute between lot owners, the body corporate and insurer over who is responsible for what cost, it is recommended contact is made via the insurer’s 24/7 afterhours contact listed below.

Insurer Make Safe Contacts

We recommend contacting the Insurers Make Safe contact as soon as possible. If your insurer does not appear below, you are not sure of your insurer, or you are not able to contact your insurer, please contact our general 24/7 emergency Make Safe contact - 1300 831 094.

Insurer Make Safe Contacts (after hours)

  • CHU – 1800 022 444
  • Chubb – 1800 726 226
  • Flex – 1800 022 444
  • Insurance Investment Solutions (IIS) – 0460 881 802
  • Longitude – 1300 442 676
  • QUS – 02 8075 0429
  • Strata Community Insurance (SCI) – 1300 724 678
  • Strata Unit Underwriters (SUU) – 1800 788 435
  • Sure – 1300 392 535
  • Axis
    • Urban Building Solutions (NSW) – 02 9793 9921
    • Advanced Buildings (QLD) – 1300 300 048
    • Bay Building (all other states) -  1300 766 216 (provide policy number and ask builder to contract the make safe direct to Axis)
  • Hutch
    • ProBuild (NSW, ACT, SA) – 1300 277 628
    • Ezy Projects (QLD) – 1300 399 776
    • JP Flynn (VIC, TAS) – 0458 013 090
    • Johns Lyng (WA) – 1300 945 945,

Following appointment of make safe, please provide us information in accordance with “Claim Lodgement” above.

If you are not able to contact the insurers make safe contact, please contact 24/7 emergency make safe contact 1300 831 094.

loss minimisation, liability
and indemnity

Take action immediately to protect property from further damage, however no action should be taken to repair damage until instructed by Strata Insurance Solutions, the Insurer or Loss Adjusters.

In general terms, no admission of liability should be made to any party in any form whatsoever. All correspondence, writs, summonses and demands should be sent to Strata Insurance Solutions immediately, so we can manage the situation for you thoroughly.


Claim management process
simple and efficient


claim lodgement

In the event of a claim, complete the form, providing all the information needed and we will lodge it with your insurer on your behalf. Our team will then be in contact with you and begin discussions with your Insurer. The more information you provide at the beginning of the process, the more chances we have to achieve a positive outcome.



Where your claim involves property damage, we will assist you to find a repairer who will restore the property to its pre-damage state. If your claim is unnecessarily delayed by your strata insurance company, we will follow up and monitor your claim for you, providing updates on the progress of your claim.



At Settlement, we will verify the payment amount to ensure you are settled the correct amount and arrange payments directly to your repairers.

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Get a fast Strata Insurance quote

We have access to a wide range of coverage options to safeguard your strata community against various risks, including property damage, liability claims, loss of rental income, severe weather events and more.  Our policies offer comprehensive protection, ensuring piece of mind.

Our partner insurers

We collaborate with trusted insurance partners to provide you with a wide range of options.

Our reputable insurers have a proven track record and offer reliable coverage for your strata insurance needs.